Saturday, October 19, 2013


Just got back from four days in the village and all I can say is that I cannot wait for EAC to move out there permanently. Tuesday we went out there in the evening and had chapattis and pineapple for dinner and set up our tents. We hung out with the kiddos until we started devos. Some of our kiddos stay for devotions and sing the songs with us. Sepha is our moody little lady-if you aren't giving her your full attention she is not happy. But she loves The Lord with her whole heart and it is so inspiring to see her sing the songs like "set a fire down in my soul that I can't control because I want to know you" it is super cute at such a young age. Wednesday i got up at about 5:40am just as the sun was getting up and the bright pinks and reds were coming up just as the big bright African sun was rising it is one of the most incredible sights to see. So beautiful. I wish words could describe how it actually looks. We got to teach at the primary school next door to the church called Ebenezer. We know most of the children that go there so it was fun to be able to interact with them on a whole new level. All the kids call me Madame when trying to get my attention. Wed- we worked on numbers 1-20 and made a poster with the spelling of each number we taught the kids to songs about numbers and had them come to the front of the classroom and point out individual numbers. After that was done around we went back over to the church where we had set up camp and had some lunch. We have pineapple everyday and I am so loving it. Rest time/free time was until 3:30 we could spend some time just laying down in our tents or play with the kids. There are always kids hanging around even when you tell them all to go. I. The evening we ran a program with the kids and played games with them. We have devotions as a team in the evening and there are a particular few that stay around and sit through a devotion even if they don't get through the whole thing. Then it is time to say goodnight (my least favorite part of the day). Our generator stays on until 10:00pm and then it gets pretty dark in there. There a fireflies that are all around and flashes of lightning that are so incredible. Thursday we did the same thing only we worked on ABCs with the kiddos. It was HOT inside and out there was no way to escape the heat. In the afternoon when we were playing soccer with the kids it started to rain and then it started to pour and we all just stood out there ion the rain and got muddy and soaking wet it was so fun.We have a volunteer named Tim here right now from Haiti and he has been teaching English to the people in the village. After his night class he decided to let a Japanese lantern into the sky so everyone gathered around there were probably 30 of us around and my sweet Grace jumped right into my arms and looked up as the lantern floated to the sky - it felt like a scene from the movies it's hard to even put into words. Her mom who speaks little to no English walked up to me and said, "I like you a lot" a small phrase that made a. Huge impact-something that will stay with me forever. Friday we taught in the morning packed up camp and then headed back home.

Now on a side note I just want to tell you a little bit or a lot bit about my favorite family.
Luca- he is the dad very hard working and always involved with what's going on at the church he knows zero English
The wife- I'm not sure of her name but she always has Jennifer on her back and works super hard in manual labor as well. Always has a smile on her face
Shakira- (sponsored) about 14 and she smiles so wide and always wants to know how I am doing
Rita-(sponsored) her sponsors pay for her to go to school in Kampala an hour and a half away from the family I haven't met her yet.
Luke 11-(sponsored) my first favorite kid in the village one of the kindest boys you will ever meet. Always one of the first to greet me when we get to the village. The reason I met this whole family
Joseph 8-(sponsored) the crazy one of the group-always getting into so etching but he loves to play with my hair and cares about you.
Dorine or most people call her Dora- I am going to sponsor her. She is shy until you get her talking and then she is silly
Grace- I don't have much to say about grace except that I love her so much and words can't describe how much I want to bring her home with me.
Jennifer- still only about 10 months old and she is very shy

Such a big family but I feel like I can relate to them. I am so excited to spend the next five months growing closer to them. It makes me nervous though for March.

Half of the UK team arrived with the group from Ignis a design company and they are here to build a cattle shed. I am excited to get to know each and everyone of them. It's going to new crazy couple of weeks. Today we are headed to the village again to show them what our vision for EAC is and show the. What they will be working on while they are here. Also we are going to be doing some house visits where we will be talking to families and then praying with them as well.

Keep us in your prayers because this group of people don't have a relationship with Christ. Also keep the Ebenezer school in your prayers the teachers are very poor and some of the kids don't learn very well. Also there are several headmasters at local schools who are molesting young girls and here there is not much that can be done about that. We have children here who are sick so pray for them. It's cold season here just like home only it is really hot here!!!

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