Friday, May 16, 2014

Life is funny.

Life is funny.

    For example, God puts things in your life that you never knew were there until He fulfills His plan and that is in His timing. period. Today I was reminded of this in a way I can not even begin to describe- But I will try my best. I was able to go to both my Junior High (Cedar Heights) and my high school (South Kitsap High school). While I was there I got to see some of the people that played a key part in my schooling as well as influencing what was next in my life. Though I only went to Cedar for my 9th grade year I was much encouraged by the sweet student store lady- Ms. Nixon. She constantly was telling me about her journeys to Ghana, Africa. When I was getting ready to move on to high school she gave me a list of encouraging quotes. I didn't really know why she was telling me this stuff because I DID NOT want to go  anywhere I was happy right where I was in little Port Orchard. When I got to high school our economics/history teacher Mr. Bergeson showed the film Invisible Children. My heart ached for the children knowing that this ongoing abductions were still going on. But I was still so fixed on getting through high school and then going off to college. little did I know that God's plan far surpassed anything I could have even imagined. Anyway, I got to visit Ms. Nixon, Bergie, as well as many other teachers that I had no idea were making little impressions on my heart before I even knew that I was going to be heading to Africa.

     Just to fill you in on what new with Ms. Muwala Wamusumba- I am on track to fly back to Uganda at the end of August. I have been looking at plane tickets this week and am excited to get a date nailed down and begin my countdown! I would return today if I could. I am currently working three jobs: A nanny on Monday on Friday for three young kids that I adore, and office by the company of Legacy telecommunications as an office assistant, and a team member at Blu Berry frozen yogurt so I am staying as busy as I can. When I head back to Africa I am going to be taking online courses through Louisiana State University's Distance Independent learning program wow that is a mouthful. :) I will be completing pre recs for achieving a nursing degree, Lord willing, from Grand Canyon University. I am also planning on taking some classes during this summer just to get a jump start on things while I am waiting.

     I just finished typing up a new support letter and I have half of the monthly support I need from people who have been so generous to me. I have been in contact with the team that is in Uganda everyday. we have been sending photos back and forth and I feel like I am right there again! I miss hugging on those sweet kids! God has been so faithful and I am confident that he will provide every step of the way.

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