Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday 17, September

So today was another great day jammed packed with fun memories and sharing our lives and encouraging one another. We had morning Devos and talked about judgment and how Christ will judge us and how not to cause others to stumble we spent most of the morning in Romans 14. Then we headed out to our project at Katelmwa which is a hospital for children. First we ran the program where we sing songs share a bible story and then ask questions about the story and then do a craft. I got to tell the story today and I told the story of Noah's Ark. After that we picked up garbage(there was so much!!) around the facility for about an hour an a half and it was HOT! (: when we got home we hung out for a little bit and then practiced volley ball. We have a sports outreach that we do with the local high school and we have to look like we have some sort of skill....which we really don't. We had potatoes with onions, and bell pepper, and it was the best meal we have had so far!!!! Yum. After dinner I got to Skype with dad, Sue, Nathan, and Landon. Super fun to talk to my family back in Washington. I thought it would make me miss home more but I am actually just more excited to be here now and keep going.

Also just as an FYI we did quite a bit more yesterday after I blogged we decided to go to the craft market where they have any souvenir you could ever want and a lot like a farmers market. We took Boda bodas (a motorcycle taxi) it took 7,000 shillings each way which made it about $3 US dollars each way not too bad! But Hannah road one all by herself and she got separated from us and had no idea how to get back to the house and the Boda driver didn't know where he was going and then they ran out of gas and had to push it to the gas station. Long story short she was able to find us and had a much easier ride back to Ntinda and tusks which is where we live. (: ! We also went to a little coffee shop and got smoothies I got a pineapple strawberry smoothie and downed it in probably 7.9 seconds. (:

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